February 5th 2025, 2:11:16 pm
चहक फाउंडेशन
छोटे कर्म बड़े उद्देश्य
कंपनी अधिनियम, 2013 (भारत सरकार) की धारा 8 के तहत पंजीकृत

Care for Voiceless

Our recovery center is a safe space for injured animals to heal.

We do not see rescues as a solution; but we can't walk by an
injured animal either. While we work on long term solutions,
we want to have a setup where we can help animals in need.

We realized that just by virtue of seeing us care so much for animals,
people around us changed. People who used to be apathetic started
calling in rescues and even helping catch animals!